Saturday, February 23, 2008

Meals on Wheels...

Good Morning, it's time for lunch!  
"Luncheez...!", that's right, it's 10:00 am and who'd think a one word sentence could send grown men running down the stairs, out the door and into the streets, especially when they just had breakfast an hour ago.  

The 'who' is my least favorite part of the morning.  'The Lunch Lady', and she doesn't look like the one you remember from elementary school, there's no hair net, her uniform consists of short shorts (no matter the weather), very colorful yet small t-shirts, as much jewelry as Mr. T and she wouldn't be caught dead wearing sensible shoes, our lunch lady does her 'bizness' in heels...and she's got a great thing going.  Kind of a Martha Stewart meets Jenni-on-the-block-on wheels.  Finally I put my foot down, new rules more honking outside my house, from now on she had to call one of the guys on their cell phones to announce her arrival.  

Like children chasing down the ice cream truck, her arrival sends them all running.  They all know the drill, don't eat the 'surprise of the day', at least one will visit the bathroom 'a lot' during the rest of the day, they still have to eat the lunch their wives sent before they go home and speaking of wives, who's going to be the guy that gives Miss Jenni their cell phone number?  
I'm not sure who actually gets 'the call' but they're still running out the door to have lunch before lunch and Miss Jenni is still selling her trademark "Luncheez" and I still haven't finished a cup of coffee before she arrives...maybe I'll beat her tomorrow.


Friday, February 22, 2008

Has anyone seen my shoes?

I will never forget this scene as long as I live. All the ‘guys’ with their hammers, nail guns and buzz saws...all coming to a screeching halt to help me find my favorite shoes...but to my surprise, they are no longer my ‘construction crew’, they magically transformed themselves into a group of male more swearing builders on ladders, only lisping stylists with personal fashion recommendations, after all they have been building a ‘Shoe Closet’...and for a moment, I actually stop to listen to their advice...I mean conversation, it went something like this;

Jose, “Rebecca can’t find her black shoes with the gold sparklers
Emilio, “Tell her to wear the pink ones with diamondths”
George, “We don’t think you should wear the black ones, we all like the gold ones, all of us except for Emilio...he thinks you should wear the pink ones!”

What? Fashion advice from guys who still have salsa on their T-shirts from lunch? That’s how every day begins here...ahh, the simply gratifying, soul changing feelings one receives from restoring a home! Reality shows have nothing on us, every day is like a big breath of...(cough, cough..) dust...dirt, I mean sunshine...Some real advice; forget about finding your shoes or at least the ones you want until it’s all over and your shoes somehow magically find their way home to the shoe closet you’re building. Read more…